Between Us
In a performance to draw attention to his 4 years of unlawful imprisonment, I carried a portrait of Osman Kavala on a walk through the streets of Istanbul. In the performance, I refer to Kavala's freedom of movement and his imprisonment within four walls, while emphasising justice and freedom and that these are only possible within a common life. Osman Kavala walks among us. He carries universal values on the streets where construction, gentrification efforts and the looting of cultural heritage are prioritised. Between Us undermines the lawlessness that prevents him from walking freely on the streets. He sniffs the air, gets in touch with exhaust gases, the smells of bagels and tea, and the vapours of home-cooked meals. From the cell where he has been detained for four years, he mingles with the rhythm, sadness and laughter of the city.
11, 12, 13 November 2021, Istanbul