Universal History of The Stone
“We are made of star stuff.”
Carl Sagan
The universe and nature is a basin of currents and accumulations. What is fluid at one scale becomes solid at another. Hydrogen gas released from an exploded star accumulates in the heart of another star as fuel for a new furnace of light and heat. High-energy photons released from the star turn into carbohydrates, which store energy in the tissue of plants that can trap them on a planet's surface. Star dust accumulates primarily as stones. Nature is above all the eternal dance and memory of these flow-accumulation cycles.
A planet is often a gigantic stone and thus a stellar memory. Likewise, the stones on earth are also cosmic, geological and geographical memories. The memory of the stone encompasses different powers in its physiochemical structure. What can be done with a stone? A house can be built. Then we would have included a cosmic-geological memory in our home. Granite or marble makes the stardust shine again with the radiance of a statue in the hands of the artist, who activates the powers they hides.
A hard enough stone that fits in the palm of the hand can become part of the agency of a mass movement. There it allies with bodies, with emotions, with the forces of struggle and retreat, freedom and tyranny. The hand that holds and throws the stone is the intersection of cosmic forces with the mass desires of the bodies that guide the hand. At this point, the responsibility of holding the stone comes into play: With what desire and for what purposes will the cosmic forces enveloped by the stone be allied? How aware is the hand holding the stone of the power and memory it holds? Which formation of a social memory and how will this cosmic memory, which opens to the social, participate in? How will we build our house and our future with these stones? Questions of stone for the hand holding it, begin with these. Stone, perhaps, is primarily a question: What will you do with me?
Universal History of The Stone
9 September 2022, 00:00-23:59, Istanbul